Time theft affects 75% of businesses in America.

As a business owner, it’s integral that you understand what your employees are doing and when. Whether you’ve got 10 employees or 100, you need to make sure they’re adhering to your company’s standards. Part of this has to do with time tracking.

If you’re hesitant to implement time tracking software, we’re here to convince you otherwise. In today’s post, we’ll explain how these kinds of workforce management systems work as business efficiency tools in addition to giving you a basic sense of employee behavior. Keep reading and learn what makes a great time clock app.

1. Integrated to Payroll

A good time tracking app will integrate with whatever payroll system your business uses, whether it’s ADP or QuickBooks. When it’s seamlessly integrated, you’ll be able to quickly export payroll files for simple and streamlined employee payments.

Payroll can be stressful, especially when you’re running a smaller operation. If you’ve had issues getting your employees paid on time due to time tracking, a service like TIMETRAK GO can save you the headache of coordinating time tracking with payroll.

2. Software Dashboard

Without the right attendance tracking solutions in place, you’d have to sift through long spreadsheets to calculate your employees’ hours. Not only is it time-consuming, but it’s a process that is prone to mistakes.

A quality time tracking app has a software dashboard that lets you see all of your employee time cards in a single place. There are no more manual calculations, so you save time and the potential of disgruntled employees.

3. PTO and Vacation Tracking

The larger your company grows, the more difficult it becomes to track paid time off and vacation hours. Being able to effectively manage your employees’ time, in and out of the office, is integral to employee satisfaction and efficient scheduling. In one fell swoop, you can approve vacation requests, monitor sick days, and attendance.

4. Scheduling

With TIMETRAK GO, you can even schedule tasks for individual employees. This is essential if you’re running a warehouse, retail shop, or anything where employees bounce around throughout the day.

Our time clock immediately spots errors in scheduling, late punch-ins, and early punch-outs. You can even correct punch-in errors with the click of a button in the app.

5. Multiple Clock Options

Being able to combine a variety of different clock methods for different employees and departments is essential. You may have some full-time permanent employees and others that come in a few times per week.

TIMETRAK GO offers time clock kiosks and shared PC clocks, but we also offer GPS and web login to accommodate remote workers. Combine multiple options to suit the way your business operates.

Get the Best Time Clock App

Good employee time management is the key to a productive business. TIMETRAK GO is the best time clock app on the market, offering all of the perks mentioned here and so much more.

To try TIMETRAK GO free for 14 days, contact us today and learn how time tracking can revolutionize how you manage your workforce.

Published On: July 12th, 2024 / Categories: Time Tracking /