Even though lots of people and companies are moving away from the 9-5 workday due to the pandemic and the increase in remote work, there are still many industries where employees have to clock in and out.

Maybe your business is like that. In that case, managing employee attendance becomes a crucial aspect of maintaining workplace productivity and ensuring a cohesive work environment.

However, dealing with an employee who consistently leaves early can be challenging. This article offers proven techniques to address this issue effectively and foster a productive workplace.

Understanding the Issue

Before taking action, it’s important to understand the reasons behind the employee’s behavior. There could be various underlying causes, such as personal issues, health problems, lack of engagement, or dissatisfaction with the job. Conducting a thorough investigation will provide insights and help in formulating an appropriate response.

Open Communication

Schedule a private meeting with the employee to discuss the situation. Approach the conversation with empathy and an open mind, focusing on understanding their perspective. This can help identify any legitimate reasons for their early departures and demonstrate your willingness to support them.

Create a Supportive Environment

Ensure that the meeting is conducted in a supportive and non-confrontational manner. Let the employee know that the purpose of the discussion is to understand the issue and find a solution that works for both parties.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Use open-ended questions to encourage the employee to share their thoughts and feelings. For example, you might ask, “I’ve noticed you’ve been leaving early quite frequently. Is there something going on that you’d like to talk about?”

Listen Actively

Pay close attention to the employee’s responses, showing empathy and understanding. This will help build trust and encourage them to be honest about their situation.

Identifying Root Causes

Once you’ve had a conversation with the employee, it’s essential to identify the root causes of their behavior. Common reasons employees leave early include personal commitments, health issues, burnout, or dissatisfaction with their job.

Understanding the underlying cause will help in finding a suitable solution.

Personal Commitments

If the employee has personal commitments, such as childcare or family responsibilities, consider offering flexible work hours or remote work options. This can help them balance their work and personal life more effectively.

Health Issues

If health problems are the cause, encourage the employee to seek medical attention. Also, provide any necessary support, such as adjusting their workload or offering time off for medical appointments.


Burnout is a common issue that can lead to decreased productivity and increased absenteeism. If the employee is experiencing burnout, consider providing additional support. You could do the following things:

  • Offer a more manageable workload
  • Provide opportunities for professional development
  • Encourage them to take time off to recharge

Job Dissatisfaction

If the employee is unhappy with their job, explore ways to improve their job satisfaction. This might include offering new challenges, providing opportunities for advancement, or improving the work environment.

Implementing Solutions

After identifying the root causes, it’s time to implement solutions that address the employee’s specific needs while maintaining workplace productivity. The solution has to be collaborative rather than an imposition upon the employee, so they are more likely to follow it.

Flexible Work Arrangements

Offering flexible work arrangements, such as adjusted work hours or remote work options, can help employees manage their personal commitments while still fulfilling their job responsibilities. This has to be in line with company policy, of course.

Health and Wellness Programs

Implementing health and wellness programs can support employees with health issues and prevent burnout. This might include offering on-site health services, providing access to mental health resources, or promoting a healthy work-life balance.

Professional Development Opportunities

Providing opportunities for professional development can increase job satisfaction and motivation. This might include offering training programs, mentoring, or opportunities for career advancement.

Improving Work Environment

Enhancing the work environment can boost morale and productivity. This might include creating a more collaborative workspace, improving communication, or recognizing and rewarding employees for their contributions.

You could also use an employee time tracking app to boost productivity for the employee which could make them feel more inspired and motivated.

Setting Clear Expectations

Setting clear expectations for attendance and punctuality is essential in managing attendance issues. Ensure that employees understand the importance of adhering to work schedules and the impact their behavior has on the team and overall productivity.

Communicate Policies Clearly

Make sure that attendance policies are clearly communicated to all employees. This might include outlining expectations in the employee handbook, discussing them during onboarding, and providing regular reminders.

Establish Consequences

Clearly outline the consequences of failing to adhere to attendance policies. This might include verbal or written warnings, performance improvement plans, or disciplinary action.

Monitor Attendance

Regularly monitor attendance to identify patterns and address issues promptly. Use attendance tracking tools to keep accurate records and ensure that any issues are addressed consistently.

Providing Ongoing Support

Providing ongoing support to employees is crucial in maintaining a productive work environment and preventing future attendance issues.

Schedule regular check-ins with employees to discuss their progress and any ongoing challenges they may be facing. This will help identify and address any issues before they escalate.

Offer Feedback and Recognition

Provide regular feedback and recognition to employees for their efforts and contributions. This can help boost morale and motivation, leading to attendance improvement and higher workplace productivity.

Encourage Work-Life Balance

Promote a healthy work-life balance by encouraging employees to take breaks, use their vacation time, and prioritize their well-being. This can help prevent burnout and improve overall job satisfaction.

Understand How to Help an Employee Who Leaves Early

In most cases, employees are conscientious and want to do a good job for their employer. But if an employee leaves early all the time without explanation, then it’s time for you to intervene.

Perhaps your employee is having a hard time using the timesheet or time clock software. Consider TimeTrakGO, an easy-to-use web-based time-tracking software that will have your team up and running in minutes.

Try it for free today and see the difference it makes in the time and money you save each week.

Published On: July 18th, 2024 / Categories: Time Tracking /